California Woman Permanently Injured

A California woman was permanently injured in 2006.  After arresting Christina Eilman, police, ignoring a police commander’s instructions to take her to a hospital, took her to the Wentworth District lockup in the city’s highest-crime areas.  The next night, after she showed psychotic behavior, police released her with no assistance or direction, miles from where she was arrested.  As a result, she was sexually assaulted before plunging from a seventh-floor window.  She suffered brain injury, a shattered pelvis, a collapsed lung and other injuries.  The prosecution is suing for negligence alleging the police knew Eilman would meet great harm upon release and that police violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by denying her access to needed mental health care while in custody.

Now, the defendants are using stall tactics and the prosecution has sent three motions with the appellate court to make a decision and has yet to hear back.  The prosecution claims that these delay tactics are detrimental to the case as passage of time has an effect on witnesses and as Eilman’s condition does not receive the proper care.  Eilman has no insurance and is completely dependent on CA for medical aid.  She will remain physically and mentally impaired for the rest of her life as a result of this incident, along with remembering the traumatic night of her sexual assault.